CyberbullyingCyberbullying is when a child is threatened, harassed, humiliated or otherwise targeted by another child using digital technologies such as the internet and mobile phones. Cyberbullying can take place anywhere and at anytime and the person cyberbullying may attempt to appear anonymous.
DownloadingThere are many great ways of downloading and accessing music, film, TV and video safely and legally online. The advice on this page aims to inform you about staying safe and legal while enjoying entertainment online or via your mobile device.
GamingMany games today are played online against other players over the internet, whether on a console, computer, mobile device or social networking sites. In these games people play against hundreds of other people they often don't know.
Location ServicesQuestions to ask before using location services: |
Social NetworkingSocial networking sites are places online where you can connect with your friends and share videos, music, photos and chat with one another. In order to enjoy using these services there are some key things to remember.Be careful who you accept as friends as once they are friends they will have access to your content. It is important to realise that not everyone online is reliable and some may lie about who they are in order to find out more about you. Remember that if anyone is aggressive or inappropriate to you online then most social networking sites have a way of allowing you to block or delete the person.
If your child uses social media and you want to find out more safety advice regarding individual networks click this link |
Video Chat and WebcamsWebcams have become an increasingly popular and useful tool for young people and adults.
Online Abuse