Woodrush Training Consortium
We are delighted to welcome you to Woodrush Training Consortium. We provide guidance to ensure a smooth induction process and support ECTs and mentors through the programme. On the rare occasions when concerns do arise we ensure that the correct action is taken swiftly to address any issues.
Sam Hammond Senior ECT Mentor and ECF Facilitator Sam provides the day-to-day support of both mentors and ECTs and organises (and often delivers) our in-house Wednesday afternoon training; he is also responsible for the implementation of ECF provision in school. Another part of Sam’s role is the assessment of the ECTs performance against the Teacher Standards at the end of the first and second year of the ECT programme (as well as regular progress reviews throughout both years). Sam is also a ECF Facilitator for the Birmingham Alliance. Sam also recently successfully completed the latest NPQLTD qualification. |
Jay Barber Headteacher and ECF Facilitator Jay Barber is the Headteacher of Woodrush High School. Jay supports the development of in-house ECTs as well as working closely with Birmingham Alliance as an ECF Facilitator delivering expertly designed sessions to both in-house and external ECTs. |
Sam Bullivant Woodrush TC Director and ECF Facilitator Sam Bullivant is Woodrush Training Consortium Director, supporting all aspects of training trainees, new teachers and experienced leaders. Sam supports the development of in-house ECTs as well as working closely with Birmingham Alliance as an ECF Facilitator. Sam also recently successfully completed the latest NPQLTD qualification. |
Ian Wright Assistant Headteacher and NPQ/ECF Facilitator Ian Wright is Woodrush High School Assistant Headteacher with a focus on pedagogy and practice as well as facilitating on the training consortiums NPQ and ECF programmes. Ian supports the induction tutor in his role, as well as line managing subject departments. |
Kerry Scotney Professional Mentor and ECF Facilitator Kerry Scotney is Woodrush Training Consortium professional mentor, supporting trainees through their training year. Kerry supports the development of in-house ECTs as well as working closely with Birmingham Alliance as an ECF Facilitator. Kerry also recently successfully completed the latest NPQLTD qualification. |